Projecting into Night What has Gone With the Dawn, 2007

The farther distance we look into the universe, the farther into history we can trace back. On canvas, the images of the galaxy and a specific context are weaved in layers, framing and blending into each other, creating a rhythm of movements, suggesting imagination of the story. It could be regret and hope, at any fleeting moment, at the beginning or the end of time.

Fat-free Museum, 2006

The photos I’ve taken at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York were digitally manipulated by adding my self-portrait and identical images of Vietnamese culture and history. In these times of globalization, it poses the question of the correlations between art and audience, space and time, individual and community, local and international...

Elephant - Bis bis!, 2007

2-channel video projections

Being pushed into the world of consumerism with inheritted conflicts, people in Vietnam are struggling to find, to learn, to choose, to deal... knowing that it’s just a part of the whole. It feels like being stuck in a trap of time, or watching an endlessly looping eclipse.

Tree Saigon, 2003

Photography installation at a public park

The photos were shot by a point-and-shoot camera, which pointed right at the tree, then combined and wrapped as a ring around that same tree. It creates an image framed by its own landscape but at different moments, offers views from both outside and inside.

Filename.disan, 2004

Vietnam’s heritage ‘beautiful girl in ao dai’ juxtaposed at fancy bras on canvas to hint at the shallowness of the cultural values, either originated from Western or Oriental.

Reformation, 2005

As the rapidly growth of the economy, together with the internal conflicts, the cultural values are also changing fast. The layers of image on canvas seems to frame each other, changing its contexts and meanings in the same circular manner of the changes of cultural values.