Untitled, 1996 - 2000
The struggle between negative emotions and feelings like loneliness, anger, desperation...
and the desire for creativity can always become an endless source of strength.
Dialogue, 1998
These are dialogues between three young artists with big difference in upbringings, personalities
and choices but having same desire to be a great artist.
Inhale-Exhale, 1998
In the struggle of survival, the dangers as well as pain and loneliness seems natural
as inhale and exhale.
The imprints left would be beautiful as your favorite tattoo art.
Beach Eggs, 2000
Site-specific interactive installation and performance
The white balloons filled with one’s breath then haft-buried in the sand are the metaphor for
the desire to speak-out the truth.
God Creates Elephant - God Creates Grass, 2000
Site-specific installation at Nha San Art Center, Hanoi
Boiled grass was served on traditional family meal tray for those who uses such proverb as an
excuse for their ignorance attitude towards reality of poverty and illiteracy.
Square Eggs, 2001
Site-specific installation at Goethe Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam
It’s a myth to produce square eggs for saving transportation cost. It takes a lot of effort to
forcefully form the fragile and delicate pancakes into a raw of cubes. The same can be said
about the culture of making achievement in the education system, regardless the important of
the foster of values and uniqueness.
Under the Cover, 2001
Site-specific video installation at Goethe Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam
There are layers of meanings and references in the work. Endlessly rotating human head offers
variety of angles to look at a person. Calligraphy represents the high in Chinese culture.
“Muống” vegetable is everyday food for the poor in Vietnam. All aspects of the imitations or
interpretations must be totally digest to be considered as its own values. The authenticity can
only find under the covers.
Best Regards and Be Resolved to Win, 2002
Fast changing in Vietnam’s economy and society in the 1990s brought new energy, complexity
and chaos. People hassled with enthusiasm compensating for the wasted time.
They were moving, searching, tumbling, rushing and slippering in such new and contrary
contexts, whether it was alien, traditional, historical or contemporary.